
Regularized empirical risk minimization (RegERM) is a general concept that defines a family of optimization problems in machine learning, as, e.g., Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, and Ridge Regression.


Let \({\bf x}_i\) be a vector of features describing an instance i and \(y_i\) be its target value. Then, for a given set of n training instances \(\{({\bf x}_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^n\) the goal is to find a model \({\bf w}\) that minimizes the regularized empirical risk:
\[\sum_{i=1}^n \ell({\bf w}, {\bf x}_i, y_i) + \Omega({\bf w}).\]

The loss function \(\ell\) measures the disagreement between the true label \(y\) and the model prediction and the regularizer \(\Omega\) penalizes the model’s complexity.

optimize(method::RegERM, λ::Float64, optimizer::Symbol=:l_bfgs)

Perform the optimization of method for a given regularization parameter λ and return a prediction model that can be used for classification. Stochastic gradient descent (:svg) and Limited-memory BFGS (:l_bfgs) are valid optimizer.

Indices and tables